CALL CENTERLatest Healthcare Call Center Statistics: Must-Know for 2025Explore essential Healthcare Call Center Statistics covering patient satisfaction, call handling, and financial impacts to boost success.
HEALTHCARE33 Fascinating Healthcare Interoperability StatisticsBy 2021, 62% of U.S. hospitals were successfully operating across all four key areas of interoperability.
HR13 Tips for a More Successful Open Enrollment: Must-Read for HR TeamsYou can make open enrollment much easier and smoother. Here are the 13 tips for a more successful open enrollment process.
HEALTHCAREEnhancing Recall Campaigns with Conversational Texting: A Game Changer for Healthcare OrganizationsThis post highlights how our texting solutions are used by top healthcare providers to boost recall revenue and improve patient outcomes.
HEALTHCAREHCCT24 Recap: Key Insights and Solutions for Healthcare Contact / Call Center's LeadersA few key takeaways from HCCT including strategies for enhancing patient communication and engagement, and ROI.
HEALTHCAREPlease Text Me!! Improving Communication with Conversational TextingHow our Healthcare Contact/Call Centers are using our conversational texting solutions to improve patient communication and engagement.
HEALTHCAREBreaking Language Barriers in Healthcare with Multilingual Text MessagingHow to overcome language barriers in healthcare - the Role of Multilingual Text Messaging in improving patient outcomes and satisfaction.