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January 31, 2025

How text messaging can mitigate key pain points in radiology

Dialog Health | Two Way Texting

Written by Dialog Health Co-Founder Brandon Daniell, this article focuses on five key pain points that conversational texting is helping to solve for radiology providers. 

1. Cancellations and No-Shows

2. No-Go's

3. Lost Dose

4. Gaps in Care

5. Referrals

Radiology and nuclear medicine departments can pre-build and launch various texting campaigns with specific patient actions and goals in mind, like those discussed above and many others, including surveys, billing reminders and providing links to lab results. Radiology providers can also leverage texting to communicate with their staff about issues such as emergency alerts, scheduling, open enrollment/insurance, surveys, and facility/practice initiatives.

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December 12, 2024

How practices are closing gaps in care with text messaging

Dialog Health | Sms 2 Way

The article highlights the critical issue of gaps in care, which occur when patients miss recommended preventive services such as mammograms, colonoscopies and vaccinations. These gaps can lead to delayed treatment and lost revenue for medical practices. To address this, many practices are turning to text messaging as an effective way to enhance patient communication and engagement.


Automated scheduling reminders can be sent using modern software, ensuring patients receive timely notifications about their preventive services. Personalized outreach, which includes the patient's name and specific service details, helps foster a connection and encourages patients to make their appointments. Communicating the benefits of preventive care, such as identifying health risks and reducing healthcare costs, can further motivate patients to schedule their services.

October 29, 2024


How text messaging can improve your ASC's OAS CAHPS scores

One effective way to positively influence patient perceptions is through text messaging. Sending particulary worded texts, at the right time, can make certain aspects of the patient journey more memorable when patients are completing their survey.


For example, if you're concerned about Check-In scores, set up a pre-appointment text that says "We strive to delivery a smooth check-in process at Main Street Surgery Center! Please visit the registration window upon arrival an our staff will assist you.

Written by Dialog Health Co-Founder, Brandon Daniell, this article gives practical examples to help you achieve strong scores.

September 13, 2024

Open enrollment is approaching: Boost staff participation with text messaging

Dialog Health | Appointment Texting

In this article you will learn 8 ways to use texting for open enrollment. How you can leverage a text messaging campaign to power staff engagement in open enrollment. Here are eight of the ways to incorporate texting into your open enrollment strategic plan along with template text messages you can customize for use by your organization.

July 18, 2024

Second half success: Texting to power patient volume

Dialog Health | Sms 2 Way

Maximizing patient volume with texting campaigns. All your patients need and will benefit from preventive services. The best way to connect with patients, encourage them to schedule their services, and make sure they arrive for their appointments is through texting. With low overall setup and outreach costs, together with unmatched engagement effectiveness, ease of sending messages, and ability to monitor outreach efforts, text messaging is the ideal communication method for interacting with most patients. If patients are behind on their preventive services for the year or should receive one or more services before we reach the end of 2024, the time for your practice to send them a text is now.

June 1, 2024

Why Patients Win When Call Centers Communicate Via Texting

Dialog Health | Call Center Time Logo

Call centers are increasingly relying upon text messaging for communication with patients and for many good reasons. Text messaging enables call centers to significantly decrease their number of outbound calls and time spent on the phone. Call centers with text messaging functionality can better optimize staffing levels, increase the number of clients they support without needing to add more staff, and more efficiently scale their business and operations. And the investment required to add and use texting is lower than companies often believe.

8 Reasons Patients Prefer Text Messaging

Let's look at eight of the top reasons patients prefer texting and how call centers can leverage this preference to improve engagement and adherence.

February 28, 2024

Texting: The underutilized staff recruitment and retention solution

Dialog Health | Appointment Texting

If organizations hope to achieve greater success with health care staff recruitment and retention, they should leverage every tool and tactic available. This must include text messaging. Texting is simple and does not require significant staff time or resources. It's inexpensive. For organizations that are short staffed, texting — especially two-way texting — is a valuable tool proven to reduce workloads and increase staff satisfaction by decreasing the large number of phone calls health care administrative staff tend to make and receive from patients, among other productivity benefits. 

December 5, 2023

Text messaging: The secret weapon for remote patient monitoring success

Dialog Health | Sms 2 Way

When using two-way text messaging for RPM, providers are achieving more consistent capturing of patient data, greater patient self-management of their conditions, enhanced communication and care coordination, better outcomes and improved billing and collections.

November 2, 2023

Improving Mammography Adherence and Volume with Text Messaging

Dialog Health | Business Texting Software

Incorporating text messaging into your mammography screening program may facilitate improved mammography screening rates in your patient population as well as enhanced practice management efficiencies.

October 11, 2023

Maximizing the Power of Text Messaging Capabilities in Your ASC

Dialog Health | Appointment Reminder Services

Text messaging has become one of the most important communication mechanisms for ASCs. It's a fast, efficient, cost-effective, and highly successful way to get timely messages to patients and their caregivers, staff and physicians, and vendors. Given the rise of spam calls, which are motivating more people to ignore incoming calls and voicemails from numbers they do not recognize, texting is a communication mechanism increasingly preferred by the public. 

That's good news for ASCs already using or planning to add texting capabilities. Text messaging can be leveraged to communicate with stakeholders on a variety of financial, clinical, and operational issues. In fact, it can be used in many ways ASCs are often not taking advantage of — applications that go well beyond standard uses like appointment reminders and arrival and check-in instructions. 

Let's look at eight creative ways ASCs are using texting to maximize the power of this critical channel.  

June 15, 2023

New FCC rules make texting even more valuable for practices.

Dialog Health | Hipaa Compliant Text Messaging

Text messaging is a simple, yet highly effective and efficient means of engaging and communicating with patients and staff. The FCC's new rules and commitment to cracking down on spam and scam texts will only help to solidify texting as an integral — if not central — component of healthcare communications.

March 7, 2023

How text messaging improves patient recall and practice revenue

Dialog Health | Appointment Texting

Text messaging can improve recall success that helps keep patients complying with their recommended screening schedule and your billable volume growing.

June 9th, 2022 

Anesthesia group sees spike in patient engagement with texting platform

Dialog Health | Patient Engagement Solutions

Mobile Anesthesiologists saw a 225 percent increase in completed preappointment documentation via its web portal; a 99 percent improved net promoter score; and a majority of postoperative surveys, patient satisfaction surveys and COVID-19 screenings completed via text messaging.

March 2022 - Special Technology Issue 

Why text messaging is good business for your practice

Dialog Health | Patient Engagement Platform

Text messaging is a proven way to quickly reach and successfully engage with patients and their caregivers, staff and other stakeholders. Such engagement has significant value on a clinical level. Health care organizations can use texting to share pre-appointment requirements and safety policies, ensure patients show up to appointments, drive campaigns for recommended services that help keep them well (e.g., colonoscopies, mammograms, vaccinations), coordinate safe discharge with caretakers and more.

February 22, 2022 

BetterHealthcare Partners with Dialog Health to Revolutionize Self-Scheduling and the Patient Experience

Dialog Health | Patient Engagement in Healthcare

The strategic partnership leverages technology as a business asset to increase productivity, cut costs, and improve patient, clinician, and staff satisfaction. Hospitals using two-way text messaging have found that it eliminates most follow-up phone calls to patients while freeing up hundreds of staff hours, enhancing productivity.

December 20, 2021

Why text messaging is good for the business of healthcare

Dialog Health | 2-way Sms

Texting is a practical solution that can deliver organization-wide improvements, including to the bottom line. For most organizations, adding and leveraging texting as a communication mechanism is simple and fast, with a smooth learning curve and easy integration with existing systems that store patient. 

October 12, 2021

Dialog Health | SMS Health Care

ASC Podcast with John Goehle - Vaccine Mandates, Upcoming Virtual Conferences, Focus Segment on OAS-CAHPS, Patient Satisfaction, Patient Communications and Engagement

On this Episode of the ASC Podcast with John Goehle, review the proposed Medicare Quality Reporting requirements related to OAS-CAHPS and Patient Satisfaction, discuss Patient Communications and Engagement and interview Spencer Kelpe with Dialog Health regarding technological advances in patient communications.

October 15, 2021

Improving Patient Engagement: Seven ways texting can make a difference

Dialog Health | Improved Patient Experience

As patient engagement has taken on greater importance, some practices have been challenged to find ways to strengthen engagement that do not require allocation of significant staff time and resources or an overhaul of staff responsibilities and workflows. As practices continue to navigate the pandemic, focusing on delivering safe care and generating the consistent revenue needed to maintain viability and giving patient engagement the attention it now needs and deserves, has understandably proven increasingly difficult.

September 9, 2021

Ambulatory surgery centers use texting to help manage COVID challenges

Dialog Health | Business Text Message Service

Confronted with rising COVID-19 cases in their communities, ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) are working to ensure their patient and staff communications provide the timely messages needed to maintain safety while continuing to perform the nonemergency surgeries that improve health and wellness.

June 2021

Podcast - How SMS can grow employee engagement

Dialog Health | Doctors Text

Employee engagement is one of the biggest struggles when it comes to internal communications. While most of us lost the ability to meet in person since the outbreak, new corporate communications tech options have stepped into the void promising to offer ways to engage workers with key info and announcements without adding to their workload.

June 11, 2021

5 great ways to use texting to improve your ASC's online reputation

Dialog Health | Hipaa Compliant Messaging App

Employee engagement is one of the biggest struggles when it comes to internal communications. While most of us lost the ability to meet in person since the outbreak, new corporate communications tech options have stepped into the void promising to offer ways to engage workers with key info and announcements without adding to their workload.

June 2021

Dialog Health |Sms 2 Way

Texting Eliminates 70% of Emergency Department Discharge Phone Calls

A data analysis by Dialog Health shows that hospitals using two-way text messaging can eliminate most follow-up phone calls to patients discharged from emergency departments while freeing up hundreds of staff hours.

February 12, 2021

Dialog Health | Message Reminders

8 ways hospitals are using text messaging to navigate the pandemic

A data analysis by Dialog Health shows that hospitals using two-way text messaging can eliminate most follow-up phone calls to patients discharged from emergency departments while freeing up hundreds of staff hours.

December 30, 2020

Crisis Communications: Solutions for 5 top challenges

Dialog Health | Hipaa Compliant Text Messaging

Providers that have effectively navigated the Covid-19 health crisis thus far have found that prioritizing communication with patients, staff, and vendor partners is essential. But successful execution of a crisis communications plan can prove difficult due to a variety of challenges. Fortunately, there are opportunities for practices to implement improvements that will strengthen their emergency response capabilities for the remainder of the pandemic and years to come.

Here are five common crisis communication challenges and solutions to help overcome them.

October 14, 2020

5 emergency communication lessons hospitals earned from COVID-19

Dialog Health | Business Texting Software

In speaking with our hospital and health system clients, they say one of the reasons their organizations have successfully navigated the health crisis thus far is by prioritizing effective communication with patients, staff, and vendor partners. These clients have done so by leveraging a variety of mechanisms, including text messaging, to get out timely information and updates.

Here are five lessons hospitals have learned from the pandemic that can help improve your organization's emergency communication plan.

August 2020

Dialog Health | Communication with Patients

Drop a Text - Communicate money matters with your patients like financial institutions do 

Financial text noti!cations have become a matter of convenience for many American adults. Americans sign up for payment text reminders from their credit card company because they do not want to miss a payment and incur a penalty. Service providers like phone companies and public utilities also send payment reminders via text these days.

June 19, 2020

8 ways for hospitals to use text messaging for employee engagement

Dialog Health | Hipaa Compliant Phone Services

Throughout the nation, hospitals are reopening departments and affiliated facilities (e.g., ambulatory surgery centers, medical practices), changing procedures, updating remote work policies, and needing to share constantly changing information with personnel. For those hospitals that are leveraging text messaging, resuming operations is proving more streamlined and successful. 

May 19, 2020

Reopening patient communications under COVID-19: 8 messages for ASCs

Dialog Health | Hipaa Text Messaging

Back in March, on the day the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, we worked with our clients to identify seven critical messages ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) should consider sharing with patients, staff, vendors, and other visitors coming to their facilities.

May 4, 2020

Dialog Health | Patient Journey

Texting for improving GI Patient Recall Programs

Communication with patients is directly linked to top-line revenue growth at GI practices and surgery centers. 

April 14, 2020

Local telehealth businesses are booming during pandemic

Dialog Health | Bussines Texting Software

Dialog is a platform that allows companies to send text messages to employees, clients or patients. Many doctors’ offices use this type of texting services to send appointment reminders to patients.

Now, Dialog wants to use texting to make it easier for patients to use telehealth software. The company can send patients a text, which almost all patients will know how to read, with a link that automatically opens up the software.

March 26, 2020

Dialog Health | Texting Reminders

5 ways texting makes telehealth simpler and more effective

Using a text to send a telehealth link to a patient makes telehealth more effective for the following five reasons:

March 11, 2020

Critical coronavirus text communications for healthcare facilities

Dialog Health | HIPAA Texting

SCs have a responsibility to keep patients, staff, providers and vendors safe. At a time like this, effective communication and messaging are even more critical.Here are examples of seven messages your ASC may want to consider sharing with the people coming to your facility and who they should be directed toward.

February 11, 2020

10 reasons text reminders can be a GI recall program game-changer.

Dialog Health | Appointment Reminder Services

For practices and centers looking to drive up patient compliance and give their screening program a volume boost, there is a communication method strongly worth considering: HIPAA-compliant text messaging.

March 5, 2020

Dialog Health | Two Way Texting

Two-way texting: The simple, effective way to reduce radiology revenue loss.

Now let's assess why texting - specifically two-way texting - is a communication platform that radiology departments should strongly consider.

September 3, 2019

Dialog Health | Text App for Business

3 ways hospital HR departments benefit from texting

Now that texting has essentially become a universal platform, it can be an invaluable communication asset for a hospital's HR department. Here are three of the most significant ways HR can leverage two-way texting.

October 3, 2019

7 benefits of two-way text messaging with patients

Dialog Health | Sms For Doctors

By embracing two-way texting as a communication channel for patient engagement, practices can achieve significant improvements throughout their operations. Here are seven ways that practices can benefit immediately from two-way texting.

June 24, 2019

8 reasons why hospitals need a patient texting platform

Dialog Health | SMS Health Care

While hospitals should leverage a variety of tools to communicate with patients, including those discussed above, texting must be one such resource. Here are eight reasons why hospitals need a patient texting platform.

February 2019

Dialog Health | 2-way Sms

Improve Patient Engagement with Two-Way Texting. Advantages of replacing voicemails with electronic messaging.

Texting is a cost-effective, convenient and reliable communication channel that is preferred by patients, so it should be an essential part of an ASC’s communication options.


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